I have a confession…

I have a confession to make. This isn’t an easy one to make. It is a little embarrassing and some will laugh or mock me. But, regardless of the repercussions, I feel compelled to share.

I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

There. I said it. Go ahead and laugh. I don’t even care. I love that darn show. Shutterfly, Rainbow Dash and the gang all brighten my day and always manage to teach me some type of life lesson (usually about friendship). I am what people in the fandom call a pegasister. Look it up.


I find the show to be well written, entertaining, funny, and it teaches great values. Some may say I am too old for the show but to them I ask, have you ever even watched it? If not then I recommend you do. Somehow this show has bridged the gap between age and gender to connect with people of all kinds. That is pretty darn special.

It makes me really sad to hear that guys get judged and even bullied because of their love for My Little Pony. I would much rather date a guy that watched a show about kindness and friendship then a dude that plays violent video games where they beat up hookers and kill people. Is that just me?

I mean seriously. We say “boys will be boys” when men watch violent movies or show acts of aggression but if they show any type of compassion they are called a little girl and made fun of. How does that make any sense? We have constructed gender roles for both women and men and then criticize people who don’t fit into our beautifully packaged gender boxes. News flash: gender isn’t black and white. It is linear. It is a continuum. You may lean one way or the other, but no one is strictly “male” or “female”.

Sorry for the rant for a second. I recently watched a documentary on the “brony” phenomenon and it really opened my eyes to the lack of societal acceptance towards men who enjoy My Little Pony. 

But I digress. I really enjoy the show and get excited when I see young girls who love the ponies. Most television shows aimed at young kids involve teen stars or kids getting into crazy shenanigans. It makes me really happy that there is a show out there that demonstrates the power of friendship. My Little Pony is an excellent show for all ages and I really hope you give it a chance.


P.s. interested in watching the documentary on bronies? You can watch it on Netflix. Below is the trailer.


7 thoughts on “I have a confession…

  1. I have a dude in my office that’s a total brony at almost 30 – I’ll admit I think it’s a little odd, but like you said, I much prefer that then thinking he’s beating people up on a Saturday night!
    P.S. You are too, too cute 🙂 xo


  2. Um – oh my gosh! This is so rad! I didn’t even know bronies was a thing! PS: This – “We have constructed gender roles for both women and men and then criticize people who don’t fit into our beautifully packaged gender boxes. News flash: gender isn’t black and white. It is linear. It is a continuum. You may lean one way or the other, but no one is strictly “male” or “female”.” = GENIUS. You’re a gem!

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