We have the power to imagine better


photo by Risa Rodil

First, how amazing is this image?! I found it on Pinterest, followed the link and found the crazy talented Risa Rodil. You have to check out her art!

Back to the topic at hand.

Let’s talk about change. We all have the ability to create change. The way you interact with others, the way you view the world, it all contributes to creating a better place for tomorrow. We all have magic inside us, we just need to let it out. So how do we initiate change?

We can initiate change with our actions. Be kind to others. Treat them with respect. Speak up when you witness injustice. Always remember that relationships are more important than money. Be awesome.

That is how you create change. Be your wonderful, caring self. We are all responsible for creating a brighter place for those that come after us. So get to it.

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