“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

Robin Williams

Growing up I would rent Patch Adams when sick or lonely. The comedy of Robin Williams would make me feel better.

I know many people are mourning the loss of this amazing actor today, the day after his death. The world has truly lost a great man. As I sit here the weather reflects my inner sadness. The sky is dark and cloudy while rain gently falls.

I want to stand out there. I want to stand in the rain and recite poetry, maybe lines from my favorite Robin Williams movies. Anything to make it feel like in some way I am honoring him.

I remember the first time I watched Dead Poets Society. At that time I preferred movies to books and poetry wasn’t even on my radar. That movie made me want to write. It inspired me to put pen to page and express my inner, most personal, thoughts.

The words of John Keating inspired not only his students in the movie but inspired the world. To this day I still dream of standing on a desk and shouting, “Oh captain, my captain,” for someone I respect.

The art of Robin Williams will forever stay with me. I will share his work with my children, when I have them, and speak about his legacy.

He will forever live through his work, in our hearts, and in our minds.

Thank you for all that you did, Robin. You changed lives.


7 thoughts on ““No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

  1. *hugs* I’m so sad about his passing, too =( I just wished he had someone, anyone to talk to and get help from. It really hits me hard because I loved him as an actor as well and it just wasn’t his time to go.


    • I feel the same way. I didn’t realize he was depressed so hearing that it was a suicide was really sad. I am glad that out of all of it there is a dialogue that is happening surrounding suicide and getting help.


      • same here! I remember hearing he checked into rehab like last month. I can’t help but wonder who released him and why wasn’t anyone monitoring him?? I know I don’t know all the details, but people should be aware of how to properly help those with mental health issues to prevent things like this happen =( So sad.


  2. Pingback: Cutie Cameras’ Choice Cuts: Dead Poets Society | Cutie Cameras

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