December Wish List

December Wish List

1. Rifle Paper Co. / Balloon Ride
2. Click & Blossom / Blogging Day T-shirt
3. ModCloth / Camp Director Tote
4. Click & Blossom / Editing Day Mug
5. ModCloth / Collar it a Day Dress
6. ModCloth / Garden Fresh Glam Dress
7. Her Universe / Tardis Knit Dress
8. Etsy / Totoro rearview mirror plush
9. ModCloth / Perk Me Up Bag

Lots of cute clothes and items this month!!! My Christmas list just keeps growing and growing. I mean, how cute is that “Blogging Day” shirt?! Adorable right? Also, that Tardis dress is adorable, looks comfy, and is perfect for the holiday! So cute.

What have you been wanting?

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