Satisfying an item on my vintage camera wish list!

A while back I made a vintage camera wish list. There are a ton of cameras still out there that I would love to add to my collection but for one reason or another, mostly financial, they haven’t joined my little camera family.

With that said, I am happy to announce my latest vintage camera baby; the Kodak Rainbow Hawkeye Vest Pocket in pink and purple. If you saw my vintage camera wish list post then you know how much I wanted one!

Kodak Pocket Camera

My AMAZING parents had this precious little guy sitting on our sweetheart table at the wedding. It was the BEST surprise!! My parents purchased it from the wonderful Sherry, owner of High Places Photography.

It is much smaller than I originally realized and it is so cute!!! It looks like the fun, perky little sister to my similar styled cameras.

Kodak camera

Thank you SOO much to my parents for giving me such a beautiful piece to add to my collection. I love it and look forward to taking care of it throughout the years.


3 thoughts on “Satisfying an item on my vintage camera wish list!

  1. Pingback: Another camera to check off of my vintage camera wish list!! | Cutie Cameras

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